• You have brain fog and are always tired.

  • You feel like your body doesnt reflect all the work that you put in. 

Module 1- Basics of Digestion

Module 2- Where Things Commonly Go Wrong

Module 3- How to start

Module 4- Phase 1: Remove

Module 5 - Phase 2: Replenish

Module 6- Phase 3: Reinoculate

Module 7- Phase 4: Repair

Frequently Asked Questions 

  • Video lessons mapping out the steps to take to heal your gut, how digestion works, where things go wrong and more!.

  • Herbal & Supplement Guide

    Herbs and supplements that I recommend taking for each symptom & digestive issue!

  • My digestive recipie E-Book to help guide you on what foods to eat.

  • Guide to Reading Ingredient Labels

    Learn how to read ingredient labels, ingredients to avoid, and how to spot sneaky marketing!

  • Food & Mood Log

    Use the food and mood log to help you identify food sensitivites!

  • Grocery Lists to help guide you through the grocery store!